RTU560 Training Courses
Standard Training
The Training Center of PTP offers product- and project-related courses for different target groups within the scope of a modular training program.
This brochure contains the Farsi course program for remote terminal units (RTUs).
Our aim is to impart the basic know-how and a general overview of our system to the participants of the training courses on the one hand, and to familiarize them with those details, which ensure safe handling and practical application of the equipment on the other. Therefore our instructors are men of practice, experienced both as technical specialists and as teachers.
For your best success the persons per training place are limited to 2 participants per place. If you prefer to work on your company’s laptop, feel free to take it along. You may also work with your laptop and you may parameterize the RTU in the training room with it if you like. You should have administrator rights at your laptop. If you attend a RTU560 course, please plug the CD-ROM-drive in your laptop. For RTU560 courses you need either WindowsNT4.0 or Windows2000.
PTP is the ABB competence center for RTU in Iran. The training room is equipped exemplary for the benefit of the participants: 3 RTU560 type C, The full range of protocols can be exercised: IEC6870-5, DNP, MODBUS, SPAbus…. A signal simulator for single and double point indications, for signal and double point commands, for analogue inputs and outputs belongs to each RTU. Bay Protection and Control Units are connected to the RTUs via fibre optic, either with SPAbus- or IEC870-5-103-communication.
There are 3 PCs including LAN connection to RTUs. The training courses are subdivided into theoretical and practical sections. Extensive and continually updated instruction documents are available for all training courses and will be issued to the students at the beginning of the course. Their cost is included in the course fees.
RTU560 Training Courses
The dates of the courses are listed in the enclosed time schedule.
Training Location for courses in Tehran
Training room SC01
No.13 Baharan Alley, South Shirazi St.
Mollasadra Av. Tehran ,Iran
Phone 0098 21 – 880 48 666,7
The times are stated on the respective program schedule.Course start is 9 o’clock
at the first day.
To guarantee maximum benefits from the courses for those attending them the number of participants for each course is restricted. You are therefore advised to apply early. Immediately after ordering the course a registration confirmation will be sent to you together with a description of how to get there, the course program and a hotel list for your hotel reservation. We reserve the right to cancel a course if the number of applicants is too small.
No fee is payable if your cancellation is received 14 days prior to the start of the course. Thereafter 50% of the course fee are payable. For cancellations received less than 3 workdays before the start of a course the full fee becomes due.
Payment terms
Invoices for course fees are rendered immediately after the course starts. Payment is due within 10 days.
Hotel reservations
Together with the confirmation of your order for one of our training courses we will send you a list of hotels. Please make reservation by yourself as soon as possible.
No.42, Mollasadra Ave., Vanak Sq.,
Tehran ,Iran
Phone 0098 21 – 880 48 666,7
Fax: 0098 21 – 886 13 728
E-Mail: info@ptpir.com
RTU560 Training Courses
PTPSC-301 Remote Terminal Unit RTU560 – Basic Course
Objectives of the course:
After the course the participant will be familiar with the system architecture, with the functionality and with the telecontrol protocol options of the Remote Terminal Unit RTU560. He will be able to install RTUtilNT, the Remote Access Service (RAS from Microsoft), a dial-up link and the Internet Explorer. The participant can communicate with the RTU560 by the Internet Explorer, he can download and upload files, he can diagnose the RTU560. He can listen to telecontrol communication and record it. He can work with telegram filters. He is able to simulate the network control center. He can import data from Excel-sheets. He gets an introduction into function chart programming according IEC61131-3.
– RTUs as part of control systems
– Configuration options of RTU560A, RTU560C und RTU560E
– Hardware modules – Software components
– Process data acquisition and telecontrol functions
– Exercises with the Windows
– Based tool RTUtil NT for configuration, signal definition and parameterization
– Exercises with a PC-based tool for protocol simulation and analysis
– Diagnosis by the Internet Explorer
– Basics of TCP/IP, IEC 60870-5-101, IEC 60870-5-103 und IEC 60870-5-104
– Interoperability
– Excel-Import
– Introduction in Programmable Logical Code (PLC-programming)
Participants: Engineering-, commissioning- and maintenance-personnel
Prerequisites: Knowledge of general telecontrol functions and of Microsoft Windows
Duration: 5 days Course language: Farsi
Start: Saturday 9 a. m. End: Wednesday 12 a. m
RTU560 Training Courses
PTPSC-302 Remote Terminal Unit RTU560 – Advanced Course
Objectives of the course:
The participant, who has already worked with RTU560, RTUtilNT and Internet Explorer, refreshes his RTU knowledge. He extends his skills especially concerning trouble shooting, router RTUs, ABB modems, redundancy options, protocols and concerning the latest release and new extensions of RTU560 systems. The participant is able to parameterize the archive function and to read archive data out of the RTU by the Internet Explorer. He is able to implement a local printer to the RTU.
– System integration of sub-RTUs
– Gateway functions
– Extension of racks and cabinets, configuration and parameters
– Modifications in network tree, signal tree and hardware tree
– Adding the archive function
– Changing of boards during RTU-power ON
– Fault tracing and eliminating in an operating RTU560
– Diagnostic and maintenance via Internet Explorer
– Analyzing telecontrol communication based upon protocol family IEC60870-5
(other protocols on request: DNP3.0, SPAbus, MODBUS, …)
Participants: Maintenance-, commissioning- and planning-personnel
Prerequisites: Attendance of the basic course RTU560 No. PTPSC-301
Please specify which protocol you need at home (IEC60870-5-101, -102, -103, -104, DNP3.0, SPAbus, MODBUS, TG809, INDACTIC23, ….)
Duration: 5 days Course language: Farsi
Start: Saturday 9 a. m. End: Wednesday 12 a. m
RTU560 Training Courses
PTPSC-303 Remote Terminal Unit RTU560, Local Automation Functions LAF/PLC
Objectives of the course:
The participant will be able to program, test and integrate local automation functions (LAF/PLC) into a RTU560, either on the CPU used for telecontrol applications or on separate CPUs.
He can develop programs with the tool MULTIPROGwt using POUs (Program Organization Units) in compliance with IEC61131.
In RTUtilNT he learns to expand signal tree and hardware tree for virtual data points, functions and tasks. In MULTIPROGwt he will be familiar with the different limbs of a project tree.
He will get the feeling for estimating computing power consumption for PLC programs.
– Basics of function block diagram programming according IEC61131-3:
Project tree, library types, program organization units, global and local variables, tasks, functions, instances, busIOs
– Installation and start of the software in a Personal Computer
– Relating input and output channels of the RTU to a PLC program
– Usage of virtual data points
– Loading and testing of programs
– Multitasking
– Playing with program cycle times
– Exercise program concerning voltage control
– Exercise with PID controller
– At the last day the participant may write a program of his special interest, load it into the training equipment and test it
Participants: Engineering-, commissioning- and maintenance-personnel
Prerequisites: Course No. PTPSC-301
Duration: 5 days Course language: Farsi
Start: Saturday 9 a. m. End: Wednesday 12 a. m
RTU560 Training Courses
To: Power Technology Pyramids
No.42, Mollasadra Ave., Vanak Sq.,
Tehran Iran
Telefax: 0098 – 21 – 88613728
We enroll for following course:
Course-No.: __________ Title: ____________________________________
Date: from: ______________ to: _____________
Location Tehran/Iran or ___________________________
Participant(s): Company and address:
_______________________________ ____________________________ _______________________________ ____________________________ _______________________________ ____________________________
Ordered by: Confirmation to:
Name: _________________________ ____________________________
Dept: _________________________ ____________________________
Phone: _________________________ ____________________________
Invoice to:
Date: ______________________ ____________________________
Signature: ______________________ ____________________________